jueves, 5 de febrero de 2015


Project title: Morphological convergence and functional inferences: an integrative study of the masticatory apparatus in rodents and extinct notoungulates.

Supervisors: Guillaume Billet (UMR7207; billet@mnhn.fr), Anthony Herrel (UMR7179; anthony.herrel@mnhn.fr) and Raphäel Cornette (UMR7205; cornette@mnhn.fr).

Location: Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France Salary: 2500Euro/month (± 2000 Euro net).

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher in functional morphology and paleontology to work on a project investigating a typical case‐study of repeated morphological convergence in the masticatory apparatus of mammals. The project focuses on the rich mosaic of resemblances found in several groups of extant rodents and extinct notoungulates. The postdoctoral researcher will quantify the shape of the masticatory apparatus and identify areas of mechanical constraints based on 3D models and using geometric morphometric and finite element approaches. Moreover, the postdoctoral researcher will evaluate the main chewing directions by examining dental microwear patterns and will use in‐vivo cineradiographic studies in order to characterize the kinematics associated with variation in muzzle shape in selected extant rodents. The goal of this project is to integrate these results within a comprehensive framework in order to characterize the convergence observed in the masticatory apparatus of rodents and notoungulates, and to provide more robust functional inferences for the latter.    Expertise in the anatomy and functional analysis of the masticatory apparatus and solid knowledge of its evolution within mammals are requirements for the position. Experience with geometric morphometric methods and the interpretation of fossil material is considered as an additional plus for the project.

Candidates should send (1) a letter of motivation, (2) a full CV, and (3) two letters of recommendation to the following e‐mail address: billet@mnhn.fr   

DEADLINE to send your application: March 16, 2015.  
Please contact Guillaume BILLET, or any of the other supervisors for additional information.

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