Post-doc position in Vertebrate Palaeobiology
at the Department of Earth Sciences
Application no later than 2013-03-20. UFV-PA 2013/485
Application no later than 2013-03-20. UFV-PA 2013/485
The successful candidate will join a collaborative initiative involving the Palaeobiology Programme and Sub-Department of Evolution and Development. The project examines adaptive patterning in the evolutionary history of aquatic vertebrates, and especially the interplay between radiation-extinction cycles, structural trends, and environmental perturbations affecting tetrapods during the Devonian−Carboniferous and Permian−Triassic. Funding is available to support overseas research visits, attendance at international conferences, and educational courses.
Qualifications: The applicant should have an appropriate doctoral degree with specialisation in palaeontology, zoology, or a related field. The degree should not have been obtained more than three years prior to the application date. Knowledge of vertebrate anatomy and current approaches to both vertebrate systematics and biodiversity modelling is essential. Excellent written and spoken English is required.
Desirable Criteria: Demonstrated publication track record in peer-reviewed journals, experience with macroevolutionary analyses of morphological trends and/or diversity patterns. Understanding of numerical approaches to fossil data and palaeoecology. Knowledge of specialist software including R, TNT, Mr Bayes, and Mesquite.
Ranking Criteria: Priority will be given to qualified applicants based on their demonstrated scientific proficiency. A publication track record in peer-reviewed journals, and previous exposure to fieldwork/public outreach initiatives is considered advantageous.
How to Apply: Applications must be written in English and comprise a cover letter, CV, copy of doctoral qualification, and supporting statements from at least two academic referees. Uppsala University is strongly committed to the equal opportunity policy and women are especially invited to apply.
Further Information: Further Information: Please contact Dr Benjamin Kear (palaeobiology), tel. +46-18 4712738, e-mail benjamin.kear@geo.uu.se; Prof. Per Ahlberg (evolution and development), +46-18 4712641, e-mail per.ahlberg@ebc.uu.se; or Dr Henning Blom, +46-18 4716223, e-mail henning.blom@ebc.uu.se. Union representatives are Anders Grundström, SACO, Tel. +46-18-471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST, Tel. +46-18-471 1996, Stefan Djurström, SEKO, Tel. +46-18-471 3315.
You are welcome to submit your application no later than 20 March, 2013, UFV-PA 2013/485. Use the link below to access the application form.
Post-doc position in Vertebrate Palaeobiology
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