La Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (APA) abre el llamado a concurso de 3 (tres) becas de ayuda económica de $ 1500 (mil quinientos pesos) cada una para asistir al 4th International Paleontological Congress. Este evento se llevará a cabo en Mendoza, en septiembre del corriente año. Las becas están dirigidas a estudiantes de postgrado que sean socios activos de la APA que se encuentren realizando la tesis doctoral y presenten por lo menos un trabajo en primer orden de autoría en el congreso. Los interesados deberán enviar su CV, el resumen presentado en el 4° IPC, el plan y grado de avance de la tesis doctoral, antes del 30 de abril de 2014. Los postulantes deberán tener la cuota societaria abonada al 30 de abril del corriente año. Los postulantes a estas becas no podrán presentarse a las becas que se brindan en el marco del 4th IPC. Los interesados deben enviar la información solicitada por correo electrónico a la APA (
The Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (APA) is offering 3 (three) financial aid awards of $1500 (Argentinian Pesos) each, to attend the 4th International Paleontological Congress. This event will be held in Mendoza, in September this year. These grants are intended for graduate students currently working on their PhD thesis, who are active members of the APA and plan to submit at least one abstract as first author to the Congress. Applicants should send their CV, abstract presented at the 4th IPC, and the plan and progress of their doctoral thesis before 30th April, 2014. Applicants must have the membership fee paid up to date. Submissions must be sent via email to the APA (
The Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (APA) is offering 3 (three) financial aid awards of $1500 (Argentinian Pesos) each, to attend the 4th International Paleontological Congress. This event will be held in Mendoza, in September this year. These grants are intended for graduate students currently working on their PhD thesis, who are active members of the APA and plan to submit at least one abstract as first author to the Congress. Applicants should send their CV, abstract presented at the 4th IPC, and the plan and progress of their doctoral thesis before 30th April, 2014. Applicants must have the membership fee paid up to date. Submissions must be sent via email to the APA (
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